News archive


Europe, a spiritual community: stone walls and auras

Participants from all over tha Carpathian Basin arrived at the Net-camp held between the 31st of July and the 7th of August in Invoru Muresului. The program of the camp was centered on the theme Christian and Hungarian presence and solidarity in the Europe.


Transylvanian Youth Business Program commenced in Miercurea Ciuc

Organized by the Calasanctius Scolarship Foundation, the CTP Transylvania Foundation, the Sapientia University and the Youth Council of Csík Region, the Transylvanian Youth Business Program took place between the 1st and 6th of August, 2011. As in previous years, DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor opened the event held at the Miercurea Ciuc campus of the Sapientia University.


The Evangelical church in Baciu is 200 years old

The Evangelical-Lutheran community in Baciu commemorated the 200th anniversary of its church on the 23rd and 24th of July. DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor, as well as Zsuzsanna Répás, deputy secretary of state in charge of national policy, MP Ferenc Kalmár, vice-president of KDNP and Attila Markó, head of the National Agency for Interethnic Relations also joined the locals in their celebration.


Family friendly policies are needed to facilitate child rearing

DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor held a presentation entitled Blessing, population! on the 20th of July at the 22nd Summer University and Student Camp in Bálványos.


Real multiculturalism presupposes peaceful coexistence of equal cultures

DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor attended the fifth edition of the Youth Fest in Szilágyság where he made a presentation entitled “Multiculturalism in the European Union” to the attending audience of the Interethnic Forum.


Young people on the European job market

Organized at Zabola by the Youth Council of Háromszék (HÁRIT) between the 13th and the 17th of July, 2011, the Summer University of Háromszék organized under the motto “We are building Háromszék! Our heritage binds us.”


The European Union will prevail if it stays united

Through the presentations made by MEPs Csaba Sógor and Gyula Winkler, the first plenary of the EU Camp discussed the EU2020 strategy.


The EU2020 strategy needs to serve the development of the entire EU

The program of the Polish Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the analysis of the financial, economic and social crisis, as well as the outlining of necessary measures and initiatives were some of the main subjects of debates at the plenary session of the European Parliament on the 6th of July.


Csaba Sógor spoke about the Hungarian presidency of the Council of the EU in the political science students’ summer camp at Râmetea

The Association of Political Science Students from Cluj held its tenth annual summer camp between June 30th and July 3rd at Râmetea. The opening presentation of the camp was held by MEP Csaba Sógor.


Preparations for the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of Families can be the driving force behind the social Europe initiative

The twentieth anniversary of the International Year of Families, as declared by the UN in 1994, is preceded by intense preparations. The first event of these preparations was constituted by the conference entitled “Interregional solidarity: perceptions, rights, responsibilities” held in Brussels at the European Parliament on June 29th.