My work / Constituency work


Csaba Sógor : It’s the unity of small communities that makes us free and autonomous

DAHR MEP Csaba Sógor commemorated the heroes of the 1848-1849 revolution in Cristuru Secuiesc, Harghita County.  The Hungarian MEP from Transylvania held a service at the local reformed church and then joined the commemorations held in the city. In his festive speech, he emphasized the idea of responsible freedom.


Csaba Sógor: There is a need for an efficient lobby in the EP for the title of European Capital of Culture

MEP Csaba Sógor ensured the mayor of Sfântu-Gheorghe of his support in the selection process for the title of European Capital of Culture. ”There is a need for an efficient lobby in the European Parliament as well” – said the MEP Thursday, at the meeting with mayor Árpád Antal.


Csaba Sógor: Diaspora communities should not be given up, their example in creation of values should be followed by all of us

Hungarian poet Petőfi Sándor, born 190 years ago, was celebrated at the Dr. Szász Pál Hungarian Community House on Thursday, February 28th. Also present at the event organized by the association and the local organization of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania was DAHR MEP Csaba Sógor. The commemoration festivities were followed by an informal talk between Sógor and local intellectuals.


DAHR’s Christian-Democrat Platform wishes to see a more people-friendly political approach from the DAHR

Last year’s activities, current political issues, the evaluation of the European Peoples Party’s work and the European Citizen’s initiative were discussed at the annual general meeting of the Christian-democrat platform of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania on Friday, February 22nd, at Gãiești.


Is there a way out of the crisis?

DAHR MEP Csaba Sógor held a lecture for economics students on Friday, February 22nd 2013 in Miercurea-Ciuc, entitled Is there a way out of the crisis? The lecture was held within the Economics and Economic Policy in the European Union course of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences from Sapientia University. 


Christmas Greetings

I wish You all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Csaba Sógor, MEP


Marking the 9th of December as the Day of Solidarity in the history of the Transylvanian Hungarian community

DAHR’s Transylvanian Values caravan reached its last stop in Campia Turzii, where the Fekete-Piros folk dance group, the Árvalányhaj chorus, singer Zoltán Szabó, comedian Levente Zsók and the artists of the Hungarian Opera from Cluj-Napoca went on stage at the local Cultural Center.


NGO meeting in Timişoara

The NGO Days organized by the NGO Council in Timişoara started on the 23rd of November with a series of presentations under the title „Cross-border professional cooperation between churches and NGOs”. After the welcome speeches of reformed dean Csaba Fazas and NGO Council president Ildikó Erdei, DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor held a presentation at the first meeting of the three-day event.


Csaba Sógor’s visit in the villages of the Transylvanian Plain

In his effort to support DAHR’s candidates for the national parliamentary elections, MEP Csaba Sógor accompanied deputy-candidate Csilla Hegedüs and senator-candidate Zoltán Lőrinczi in the villages of Suatu and Chesãu. Together they visited several Hungarian families from the constituency district to encourage them to vote.


Csaba Sógor’s press conference in Timişoara on the reorganisation of the Romanian administrative system

MEP Csaba Sógor, Timiş county DAHR president Ferenc Halász and MP candidate Zsolt Molnár emphasized the need to reorganize Romania’s regions in a press conference held in Timişoara on the 23rd of November.