Tag: education
- The issue of Hungarian university education in Transylvania debated in Brussels (2013-11-14) - My work / In Bruxelles
- New school in Mereni (2012-08-12) - My work / Constituency work
- Once again, Csaba Sógor raised the issue of the Medical and Pharmaceutical University of Tîrgu Mureş in the EP (2012-05-10) - My work / In Bruxelles
- European Higher Education Area – good will is not enough, high level decisions are needed (2011-10-07) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Renaissance celebration at the Bethlen Gábor high-school (2011-06-17) - My work / Constituency work
- Ten years of Hungarian language education for the Csángó community (2010-05-10) - My work / Constituency work
- Hunedoara County may represent Romania at the final of the Do You Speak European contest (2010-03-29) - My work / Constituency work
- Godparent programme at the Bethlen Gábor School in Nagyenyed (2009-12-22) - My work / Constituency work