Tag: Tibet
- The 6th World Parliamentarians’ Convention debates the issue of Tibet (2012-04-30) - My work / In Bruxelles
- The spiritual link between Tibet and Europe is based on Sándor Kőrösi Csoma’s work (2012-04-25) - My work / In Bruxelles
- The work of Sándor Kőrösi Csoma, praised in the EP next week (2012-04-18) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Tibet's autonomy aspirations discussed in the EP (2011-11-29) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Tibet related protests in front of the EP (2011-11-09) - My work / In Bruxelles
- EP-debate about the situation in Tibet, Egypt and Syria (2011-10-24) - My work / In Bruxelles
- EP protest against the infringement of language rights in Tibet (2010-11-25) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Autonomy in Tibet and Szeklerland (2010-11-14) - My work / Constituency work
- Csaba Sógor greeted the Dalai Lama on behalf of the Hungarian community in Transylvania (2010-09-05) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Fifty years of Tibetan democracy (2010-09-02) - My work / In Bruxelles
- A Flag for Tibet (2010-03-23) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Parallels between the Tibetan and Transylvanian autonomy – Joint meeting of the Minority and Tibet Intergroups in the EP (2008-05-25) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Csaba Sógor greeted the Dalai Lama on behalf of the Hungarian community in Transylvania (2010-09-05) - Media / Photo
- Celebrations at the fiftieth anniversary of the Tibetan constitution (2010-09-02) - Media / Video