Tag: roma
- Europe does not address the Roma issue properly – Summary of the Strasbourg plenary session of the EP (2013-10-10) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Strong partnership for an effective political representation of young Hungarians in Transylvania (2013-06-26) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Csaba Sógor: If current development regions remain, the use of European funds will not become any easier (2013-04-18) - My work / In Bruxelles
- MEP Csaba Sógor on Romanian minority policy at Strasbourg (2013-03-14) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Invariably, DAHR represents the Hungarians from Transylvania (2012-12-13) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Sógor: from the European principles of solidarity, subsidiarity and responsibility we took over even less than we could absorb EU funds (2012-11-23) - My work / Constituency work
- Is the crisis of Europe the crisis of Szeklerland, too? (2012-11-11) - My work / Constituency work
- DAHR’s MEPs called for the intervention of the European socialist and liberal sister parties in the case of the anti-Hungarian measures of the Romanian government (2012-05-16) - My work / In Bruxelles
- EP debate about the situation of the Roma in Europe (2011-11-17) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Sógor: the result of the census will define our life in the next ten years (2011-10-21) - My work / Constituency work
- Abolition of internal border controls is a great achievement of the European integration (2011-06-08) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Csaba Sógor spoke of the manifestations against Hungarians in Romania on the plenary session of the EP (2011-06-07) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Europe needs to pay more attention to minority rights (2011-06-03) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Overwhelming support for the European Roma Strategy in the EP (2011-03-09) - My work / In Bruxelles
- The EC should act more strictly when member states fail to fulfill their obligations (2010-09-30) - My work / In Bruxelles
- Commission pays 1.5 billion in Balance of Payments support to Romania (2009-07-28) - My work / In Bruxelles