Csaba Sógor called for the unhindered continuation of the Romanian restitution process


DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor called attention upon the paradox of the Romanian restitution process during the opening debates of the European Parliament’s plenary session on the 14th of November.


The Hungarian MEP from Transylvania spoke about the situation of Secretary of State Attila Markó and his colleagues and expressed his concern about the fact, that accusations made against public servants doing their job could raise question marks in relation to the future restitutions in Romania. He called for the unfounded charges to be dropped.

Here follows the MEP’s speech:

„Mr. President! I would like to present a situation that has already been debated in the USA, so we also need to approach the subject. I am speaking about Romania and the process of restitution of real estate nationalized by the communist regime. There is an ongoing trial regarding one of the buildings restituted to one of the minoritarian churches and the accused are none other than the members of the restitution committee. Attila Markó under-secretary and his colleagues did nothing else but their job, when they decided about restitutions, in concordance with their duty as committee members, and in the spirit of the legislation in effect at the time.
The result of the law suit may have effects on the entire Romanian restitution process, because it can challenge the restitution of former church property to their rightful owners. I call upon the European Parliament and You, Mr. President, to follow this trial, because the EU expects for its member states to follow the rule of law. The next hearing in the trial will be tomorrow and the only dignified end to this trial should be the drop of all the unfounded charges. Thank You.”