The Hungarian Council for Autonomy from the Carpathian Basin held its meeting in Brussels


The European Parliament was the host of a special event on the 1st of March, 2011, when the Hungarian Council for Autonomy from the Carpathian Basin held its meeting there havind been invited by the Hungarian Delegation to the European People’s Party. 19 Hungarian politicians, representatives of the Hungarian communities outside Hungary, attended the meeting.

The European Parliament was the host of a special event on the 1st of March, 2011, when the Hungarian Council for Autonomy from the Carpathian Basin held its meeting there havind been invited by the Hungarian Delegation to the European People’s Party. 19 Hungarian politicians, representatives of the Hungarian communities outside Hungary, attended the meeting.

Amongst other notable guests, Zsuzsanna Répás Deputy Secretary of State responsible for national policy, and representing the Diaspora, Ernő Deák (Council of the Hungarian Community in Austria) and István Pásztor (Hungarian Alliance in Voivodina), András Ágoston (Hungarian Democratic Party from Voivodina) and Áron Csonka (Hungarian Democratic Community from Voivodina) attended the meeting. Subcarpathia was represented by Miklós Kovács (Hungarian Cultural Alliance from Subcarpathia), Transylvania by Balázs Izsák (Szekler National Council) and Csaba Farkas (Hungarian Civic Party), while József Berényi (Party of the Hungarian Coalition, Slovakia) and Csaba Sógor, DAHR’s MEP had observer status.

MEP Csaba Sógor’s remarks were based on the Lisbon Treaty. He reminded that the Treaty has opened  new possibilities for the EP, for example through the European Citizen’s Initiative, that provides for the politics of small steps at home, and the politics of tiny steps in Brussels in the case of law enforcement. MEPs can help through their work on different policies: due to their amendments they have made possible the participation of students coming from less wealthy countries in the Erasmus Mundus program, and they have also taken interns from Subcarpathia and Voivodina into their Brussels offices.

The Hungarian MEP from Transylvania explained that the issues of the minorities can also be approached  through details of political and economical aspects, if they are presented as issues of stability to majority nations and if an interest in this respect  is created . Having in mind that minority community members are loyal citizens and  trustworthy coalition partners, they can become the key of stability of any given state.

The Council’s resolution stressed the importance of the adherence of all Hungarian communities to the united Europe, because, in this way, the unification of the Hungarian nation can be achieved overarching the borders of the members states. The beneficial effects of such unification can be seen in the close cooperation of the Hungarian MEPs from Hungary, Slovakia and Romania. The upcoming meetings of the Council, debating the urgent political matters of the Hungarian communities, are to be held in this spirit as well.