MEP’s affirm: the European Union needs to give account of the protection of ethnic and linguistic minorities
Members of the European Parliament’s Minority Intergroup drew up a manifesto that lists the necessary steps need to be taken in favor of protecting ethnic and linguistic minorities. The mandate’s last meeting took place on 28 March, Thursday in Strasbourg. Besides preparing the manifesto, the MEPs discussed the situation of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș - reported Csaba Sógor.
In the manifesto the MEPs call the attention of the EU that it must take responsibility for the protection of ethnic and linguistic minorities. MEPs remind that respecting ethnic and linguistic rights are fundamental EU values. It is strictly forbidden to discriminate based on ethnic origin. “10 years after the coming into effect of the Treaty of Lisbon there is still no common legal framework in the European Union that would ensure ethnic and linguistic minorities’ rights’ implementation” - reminds the manifesto.
RMDSZ MEP Csaba Sógor said members of the Minority Intergroup emphasized the role of the European Parliament in this matter. “We listed and recommended to the European Commission all the reports that have been accepted in the previous five years, documents which emphasize the importance of stepping up together in the interest of minorities on a European level” - said the MEP. Sógor reminded of the importance of the report on the EU Citizenship, accepted in 2017. As rapporteur of the Opinion of the LIBE Committee, on behalf of EPP, he managed to introduce paragraphs on minorities in the document. The report acknowledges the need for more attention regarding the situation of ethnic and linguistic minorities. Equal treatment should not be a privilege but a fundamental right in the European Union. Csaba Sógor also reminded about the report on minimum standards for minorities in the EU that he was also actively contributing to.
The MEP said, authors of the manifesto identified three areas of intervention in the interest of minority protection on the European level. “We are speaking up for a common legal framework that is accompanied by a control mechanism. We also see the need for opening a Commissioner position that would be responsible for ethnic and linguistic minorities only, an advisory body within the European Parliament would be useful” - explained the RMDSZ MEP.