The European Social Fund should respond more effectively to labour market and social challenges
On Monday afternoon, the European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) voted on the priorities of the European Social Fund (ESF). The adopted report includes a number of proposed amendments of MEP Csaba Sógor, which highlight the aspects of lagging regions and the point of view of disadvantaged social groups.
The ESF seeks solutions to the labour market and social challenges in the European Union. Through this fund, the EU invests in Europe’s human capital: employees, young people and job seekers. The ESF funds will improve the prospect of millions of Europeans in the labour market. Funds provided under the ESF support jobs, help citizens find a better job and provide more reasonable employment opportunities.
Csaba Sógor, EPP shadow rapporteur in the LIBE Committee, pointed out a number of labour market and social problems, which Hungarian community in Romania are also facing. “In order to increase levels of employment rate and eradicate poverty, I called for the ESF to pay special attention to underdeveloped rural settlements, social groups in disadvantaged or vulnerable situation, such as people with disabilities, elderly and Roma, as well as individuals with low education or skill level. I also requested in my adopted amendments, that the ESF would strive to modernize education, according to labour market expectations”- explained the RMDSZ MEP. The ESF should contribute to competitiveness, as well as social and economic innovation - added Sógor.
MEP Csaba Sógor thinks these goals are achievable through education in workplaces, internship trainings, lifelong career guidance, skills anticipation in cooperation with industry. It would also be important to support businesses who employ persons with disabilities. Further on Csaba Sógor advocated for up-to-date training materials, teachers’ training working with students of disadvantaged background.