Official statement of the Parliamentary Group of the Hungarian Members of the EP from Transylvania
1. The group intends to hold a festive new year’s meeting with important members of the EP during February 2010 in order to inform them about and raise support for the Hungarian minority in Romania.
2. Taking into consideration the fact that the compentent courts have rejected the motion to suspend the placement in a public space of the statue of former general Ştefan Guşã and that the EPP condemned the usage of communist symbols in the resolution of its Congress in 2009, the group raises its voice against the placement of the statue in question. This act would defile the memory of the Romanian revolution on its 20th anniversary.
3. The group acknowledges with gratification the resolution the EPP’s Congress in Bonn aiming at establishing a European framework for the rights of traditional national minorities and consideres that this is a step forward in the long neglected European minority issue. The members of the group agree to push for the realization of this goal during the course of their mandate.
4. The members intend to tighten their cooperation and enhance communication within the group in the new working year.
Strasbourg, 19th of January, 2010
The European Parliament Press Service of the Parliamentary Group of the Hungarian Members of the European Parliament from Transylvania