The exhibition on Bishop Márton Áron opened in Brussels
The exhibition about the life of Bishop Márton Áron arrived to Brussels at the invitation of MEP Csaba Sógor and pastor István Havas, and can be visited between the 12th and the 23rd of October.
At the exhibition opening RMDSZ MEP Csaba Sógor stated Bishop Márton Áron was a man who was not afraid to speak the truth and wisely bear the consequences this entailed. The MEP reminded that in 1944, in Kolozsvár, the bishop spoke out in defence of the persecuted Jews and had to leave the city on foot as a result. "It is important that we remember the example he set for us. His commitment to truth serves as a model for public figures today" – said Csaba Sógor during the opening ceremony of the event.
"Márton Áron was an outstanding leader who fought and was wounded four times, experienced Trianon, and lived life as a person belonging to a minority community. He was imprisoned for five years, under house arrest for ten, and the Romanian secret services produced 77 thousand pages of surveillance documents on him, yet he always defended those persecuted and always stuck to the truth" – said Gergely Gaal, chairman of the Márton Áron Memorial Year Committee at the opening of the event”. He stated: the exhibition also points out the true nature of communist dictatorship.