MPEs stress the need to reduce the gap between citizens and the European Union
Improving citizen’s knowledge on the European Union and strengthening their belief in the advantages and necessity of the European integration while the Union is facing economic and social challenges is more important than ever in the opinion of MEPs.
The EU should be more visible in the educational materials or in extracurricular activities – calls the European Parliament’s resolution of 12 April 2016 on Learning EU at school, adopted at the plenary session in Strasbourg. The document urges the Member States to review and update their education system, and to expand their teaching materials at all levels to include more information about the EU.
"A 2014 research shows that 44% of EU citizens feel that they have a limited knowledge of how the Union works. This ratio should be reduced as soon as possible, otherwise the gap between European citizens and the EU institutions will continue to grow", said RMDSZ MEP Csaba Sógor.
The MEP pointed out in his speech that one of the most important long-term task of the EU is to create and maintain awareness among European citizens. It is important that young people understand the common history of the Union, including the specific situation of indigenous national minorities within Member States. This is the only way we can promote a peaceful coexistence of citizens.
The RMDSZ politician believes programs such as the Erasmus +, the Europe for Citizens or Creative Europe should be promoted more among the Hungarian young people in Transylvania and their organisations. The MEPs traineeship program, that he launches every year in August, aims to serve similar goals: to give young Hungarians from Transylvania the opportunity to experience first-hand how the European Parliament and the European Union work.