Csaba Sógor: Development policy isn’t solely a humanitarian act


The international development policy is far from being a humanitarian act, a strong economic development and a higher standard of living is in the best interest of the European citizens as well – pointed out Csaba Sógor on Wednesday at the European Parliament’s debate on the European Year of Development.

The aim of the so-called European Years is to focus attention on various problems and strengthen public debate and dialogue on certain issues. 2015 the year of cooperation and aid in development was the first European Year to focus on the EU's external action and global engagement.

Csaba Sógor pointed out during the debate: "we all agree on the significance of the development policy, especially in light of the migration phenomenon, and the ongoing climate change conference in Paris." In his opinion the development of a country is inconceivable when hundreds of thousands of its working-age citizens decide on permanent emigration. “The migration phenomenon has the most negative consequences for these countries, as their development can be very slow and uncertain due to massive emigration” – stressed the MEP, adding that this is why bringing stability to conflict zones and stopping citizens from emigrating is so important. Csaba Sógor said: these people represent the hope that the target countries of the development policy will one day stop needing the EU’s support.