Timmermans: there are some other things to do in Romania regarding minority protection


The first vice-president of the European Commission expressed a clear position about the situation of the Hungarian minority in Romania. Frans Timmermans said that there are deficiencies in Romania in the field of minority protection, but it must be seen what already has been achieved thanks to the European Union.

The Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs Committee of European Parliament has examined the situation in Romania at the meeting held on 25th June in Brussels. The first vice-president of the European Commission appreciated the fight against corruption in Romania, but also expressed his belief that the country is still in a transition process, so it cannot yet be said that the changes are sustainable and irreversible. 

RMDSZ MEP Csaba Sogor commented that, indeed, in Romania the fight against corruption has unprecedented results and effectiveness but, for the time, legal certainty has a limited effect and abuses also occur, which have serious consequences.  As a consequence, public administration is paralyzed, many being afraid that they might become the targets of political showdowns in the name of the fight against corruption - emphasized the MEP. He added, that many fear that the Romanian secret services have an influence on the events; while the civilian oversight and control of the services is not provided for.

Csaba Sogor also mentioned that in Romania the public security strategy, which is on debate, interprets autonomy as a source of public security threat. The RMDSZ politician emphasized that according to the analysis of the situation in Romania, the discriminations minorities are subjected to should also be considered.

Replying to the comment of the RMDSZ MEP, Frans Timmermans acknowledged that it is definitely true that the situation of minorities in Romania is not solved from many points of view, but it is important to pay attention not only to the current deficiences, but also to the evolution, that Romania has registered in the last 25 years. The first vice-president emphasized that, although the country did not reach the desired goal in this regard, but thanks to the European Union the change can be felt. As he mentioned, he has personal experiences from the period of Romania's regime change, when the situation of the minorities has been completely different. According to Timmermans, the presence of the RMDSZ in the legislature in Bucharest and in various governments had a strong positive influence on the rights of minorities. In his speech the ensured the audience, that the European Commission wants to continue the Cooperation and verification Mechanism, which exercises an oversight of the justice system of Romania.