The Tóásó case on the agenda of the European Parliament
During its November plenary session,
the European Parliament adopted a resolution in the case of Előd Tóásó and
Mario Tadić, through which the institution demands a fair and independent
trial from the Bolivian authorities.
The Tóásó case was discussed in the
PE on 21 November, following the initiative of EPP MEP Kinga Gál. In a debate
entitled “Ensuring justice in Bolivia, considering especially the case of
Előd Tóásó and Mario Tadić”, the RMDSZ MEP, Csaba Sógor, emphasized that the
European Union cannot allow for its citizens to be intimidated and detained in
third countries without judgement.
He showed that at present in Bolivia two EU citizens are illegally
jailed, while two of their colleagues were killed in unclear circumstances. “It
is possible that we will never totally understand the internal politics of Bolivia or this case, but it is evident
that the procedure launched against the two is neither independent, nor
impartial”, explained the MEP.
The MEP also showed that Bolivia is a state whose fifth commercial
partner is the EU and where 65% of productive capital comes from Europe. In Latin America Bolivia is the
biggest beneficiary of EU bilateral cooperation and development aid. At the
same time we are not capable of protecting our own citizens and ensuring the
observance of international human rights treaties in this country”, said Sógor.
Besides ensuring a fair trial, the
EP resolution also calls for an urgent independent inquiry into the deaths of
Árpád Magyarósi, Michael Martin Dwyer and Eduardo Rózsa-Flores through the inclusion
of international experts. In turn, the European External Action Service was
called upon to treat this issue as a priority in bilateral relations with Bolivia and to take concrete measures.