Decent housing conditions are a basic human right and an important health factor


On Tuesday, April 23rd the Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament voted on the own initiative report of French MEP Karima Delli (The Greens) entitled Social Housing in the European Union.

The shadow rapporteur on behalf of the European People’s Party was DAHR MEP Csaba Sógor.  He appreciated the debates and public hearings organised in preparation of the report, which offered detailed information on the subject to those interested.

There is a vast difference in social housing conditions between the member states. This is why MEPs also discussed the possibility of developing social homes with Structural Funds and investing in the areas with the biggest deficits.

Csaba Sógor emphasized that the rapport meant to address a need and an acute problem during the economic and financial crisis. People in aggravating financial conditions are facing ever bigger difficulties in accessing social housing, although a healthy home is an important condition of a healthy life.  “According to the statistics, over 100.000 people die annually due to poor housing conditions. In 2011 55-60% of domestic budgets were spent on housing expenditure, even though this percentage should ideally be under 30%. A series of quality of life indexes show that life expectancy is not only determined by one’s level of education, but it is also influenced by the available living space. Thermal comfort is another crucial health issue and a basic human right, and yet, more and more people are deprived of it”- pointed out the Transylvanian MEP. 

Csaba Sógor proposed several amendments to the document regarding the housing problems of the young, the elderly and of the people who live with disabilities, as well as regarding the intergenerational aspects of the social housing crisis.   The report adopted by the Employment and Social Affairs Committee is scheduled to be placed on the agenda of the European Parliament’s plenary in July this year.