The European Union will prevail if it stays united


Through the presentations made by MEPs Csaba Sógor and Gyula Winkler, the first plenary of the EU Camp discussed the EU2020 strategy.

MEP Gyula Winkler made a broad presentation of the strategy. „This is a subject that will be much debated because it contains the goals of the next decade. It presents the way in which European institutions invision reforms and Europe’s leading position in the high global competition.” The MEP stated that Friday’s presentation was preceded by two important meetings: the first with José Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission, the second with father Csaba Böjte who had recently received the European Citizen award in June 2011. Winkler pointed out that one of the most important issues is the lack of jobs and the fact that the economy shows signs of a slow start after the crisis”. He added that “if we want to shape our own fate, we must not give in to passivity and interiorization. Many things awaiting to be done needs to be started.

The three main directions of the EU2020 strategy became obvious during the debate. “The first regards society, that needs to become knowledge-based, because we live in a society based on innovation, so growth also needs to be intelligent. Learning is also important and life-long learning needs to be highlighted. The second direction regards a competitive economy that can only evolve in a competitive society, where individuals possess competitive skills. This results in sustainable growth. The third pillar refers to the people, since the strategy has been devised in order to achieve the interests of European citizens, to create new jobs” – said the MEP.

He also mentioned the problems at this year’s baccalaureate exams. He believes that there are solutions for the moral crisis of the Hungarian community in Transylvania, just like there are solutions for the economic crisis. The only way out is to return to the values of our community in an optimistic way, according to modern times, but with commitment.

In his speech, MEP Csaba Sógor called attention to the fact that community spirit is an important factor in growth: he made the example of the Asian countries where collective consciousness is very important and this is why far-eastern countries produce such a dynamic growth. “Besides personal achievements, we need to make a future for ourselves and our children commonly. We need to be able to build upon our heritage in order to create an ideal future” – said Sógor who also pointed out the current presiding country of the Council of the European Union, Poland, as an example to follow because it has survived the economic crisis without too many constrictions.

Csaba Sógor emphasized that “many issues become core problems only if we are faced with a crisis. The Japanese catastrophe urged the EU to be more responsible in matters of environmental and energetic safety.” The MEP also addressed the issues of the low result of this year’s baccalaureate exams. He called the audience’s attention to the fact that the education system needs to shift emphasis from lexical knowledge to skill-based knowledge. “We need competent, well prepared young intellectuals” – he summarized.

“Plans are only good if we believe in them” – Sógor said, adding that “raising the occupation level of the EU citizens from 69 to 75 percent is one of the EU2020 strategy’s goals. This is complementary to the goals of raising the percent of university graduates’ from 30 to 40 percent and the lowering of school dropout below 10 percent by 2020.”

The MEP closed his speech quoting of Károly Kós: In order to be good to be Transylvanian, we need a wise search for balance, patience, knowledge of the realities and the ability to navigate the European situation”.

MIÉRT Press Office
