The Evangelical church in Baciu is 200 years old


The Evangelical-Lutheran community in Baciu commemorated the 200th anniversary of its church on the 23rd and 24th of July. DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor, as well as Zsuzsanna Répás, deputy secretary of state in charge of national policy, MP Ferenc Kalmár, vice-president of KDNP and Attila Markó, head of the National Agency for Interethnic Relations also joined the locals in their celebration.

Events on Sunday started off with a celebration worship in the presence of high-ranking church officials. The sermon  was held by Bishop Dezső Zoltán Adorjáni, deputy bishop József Zelenák, while priests István Barcsa and Jenő Domokos performed liturgical service. The Evangelical bishop said that the building process of the church building was not finished 200 years ago because we need to keep building from generation to generation with stones that are made of faith, not need. „If we travel through the region’s villages we are faced with the fact that the traditional csángó houses and their specific motives are disappearing, but as long the church exists, we continue to exist. This liturgical space has a role in shaping our consciousness and it binds us together” – he explained.

Zsuzsanna Répás, deputy secretary of state in charge of national policy said that the church is the place that forms a community, and national unity can only be achieved through the communities. „There has been a turn in national policy in the past year and since then every Hungarian is a building block to the nation” – she said. Next, MP Ferenc Kalmár, vice-president of KDNP assured the faithful of Baciu about Hungary’s and the Christian-democrat’s support.

In his speech DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor spoke of the importance of small communities. The Hungarian MEP from Transylvania said that although the origins of the Szekler or the Csángós is not yet clarified, it is obvious that the population on the borders has proven itself to be great even in numerical minority.

„Smaller communities bare a larger responsibility. We need to be open and humane towards the numerical majorities and we need to set an example in terms of work, solidarity and endurance. Minority communities are those that know best what dissension means and can what it can cause” – said the MEP, who closed his words saying that today all responsible decision makers acknowledge that the future of Europe lies within small communities and families.

Attila Markó, head of the National Agency for Interethnic Relations also participated at the 200th anniversary of the church in Baciu and addressed the locals as a native of the village.

Following the worship, the Evangelical Church of Baciu inaugurated a plaque and wooden columns that commemorate former priests of the church, as well as the local victims of the two world wars.
