375th anniversary of the Old Gradual
The Protestant Theological Institute of Cluj Napoca organized a conference entitled European Cultural Treasure and Native Tongue Liturgy between the 8th and the 10th of April, 2011 on the occasion of the 375th anniversary of the publication of the Old Gradual.
The Old Gradual, originally published in 1636, is a liturgical book that contains Gregorian musical items used during protestant church services. At the conference, several pastors, cantors, church musicians and theologians presented studies about the historical importance of the book. The speakers analyzed the concept and implementation of the book, its characteristics in terms of printing technique and the role of the Gregorian songs it contains, in the context of liturgical music.
DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor, who supported the conference, said that the Old Gradual represents a golden age in Transylvanian history, an age characterized by economical and cultural development. He stressed that cultural diversity and multiculturalism is a base value of the European Union and it is our duty to pass it on. The Hungarian MEP from Transylvania explained that culture, alike education and sport, is not included in the EU competence, the member states decide for themselves in this respect, but the EU also supports the preservation of cultural values through different programs.
- Several Romanian cities, amongst which Cluj as well, are competing to become Europe’s Cultural Capital in 2020. This would help in promoting the city’s culture and spirit at a European level. It is up to us to show as many values as we can – said the MEP.
Csaba Sógor also pointed out the fact that minority cultures are the most endangered ones. “Majorities need to realize that a country can show a more diverse, colorful, more valuable cultural heritage if it recognizes, preserves and protects minority cultures” – he explained.
DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor, who supported the conference, said that the Old Gradual represents a golden age in Transylvanian history, an age characterized by economical and cultural development. He stressed that cultural diversity and multiculturalism is a base value of the European Union and it is our duty to pass it on. The Hungarian MEP from Transylvania explained that culture, alike education and sport, is not included in the EU competence, the member states decide for themselves in this respect, but the EU also supports the preservation of cultural values through different programs.
- Several Romanian cities, amongst which Cluj as well, are competing to become Europe’s Cultural Capital in 2020. This would help in promoting the city’s culture and spirit at a European level. It is up to us to show as many values as we can – said the MEP.
Csaba Sógor also pointed out the fact that minority cultures are the most endangered ones. “Majorities need to realize that a country can show a more diverse, colorful, more valuable cultural heritage if it recognizes, preserves and protects minority cultures” – he explained.