Hungarian MEPs of the Carpathian Basin commemorated the Rákóczi War of Independence in Șumuleu Ciuc/ Csíksomlyó


The 315th anniversary of the Rákóczi War of Independence was commemorated in Șumuleu Ciuc/ Csíksomlyó after the Pentecost Pilgrimage Holy Mass. Participants from all over the Carpathian Basin brought with them symbolically some ground and placed it in the Rákóczi Memorial,  as a sign of reuniting former Hungarian territories.

MEP Andrea Bocskor, the representative of Fidesz-KDNP, MEP Pál Csáky, representative of MKP and MEP Csaba Sógor representative of RMDSZ attended the Holy Mass held at the Hármashalom altar, whereafter they headed to the Rákóczi Commemoration Ceremony organized at Fodor House in Csíksomlyó.

"The Rákóczi Memorial and the Pentecost Pilgrimage of Csíksomlyó brought us together. In Brussels we defend our Christian values together and here we reaffirm this commitment and our faith in the future of a Christian Europe", said Csaba Sógor at the event. According to the Transylvanian MEP, even if we live in separate countries, our faith and confidence in the future keeps us together.

"The name Csíksomlyó means national affiliation, Christianity and traditions to me. Every Hungarian should visit this place at least once in a lifetime", said MEP Andrea Bocskor at the commemoration. Dictatorial regimes, replaced borders and political changes couldn’t rip apart the Hungarian nation that belongs together and has a place and future in Europe - added Bocskor. She thinks nowadays, when nationalistic and Christian values are often neglected, we must put our trust in the new generation that can nurture these values in Europe.

In his speech MEP Pál Csáky emphasized the importance of faith. During his missions he is often asked about Hungarian communities living together steadily for 100 years in unravelled territories, believing to have a future in their countries. We have to look back to the history to understand: there has always been an inner force that kept Hungarians together, still accompanying them in the present. "I believe Hungarians will continue to be loyal to their communities as long as they believe in the inner force", he said.