Discussions on the changing Europe at the 10th EU Camp


DAHR MEPs Csaba Sógor and Iuliu Winkler held presentations on the topic of the changing Europe on Friday, at the 10th EU Camp organized by the Hungarian Youth Council of Romania at Izvorul Muresului. The debate, entitled New Europe Now! – Let’s build it together, was opened by DAHR senator and president of the Kós Károly Akadémia Foundation, Markó Béla.

Csaba Sógor pointed out that the problems of the Hungarian minority in Romania might seem small at times, compared to the issues on the EU agenda. The MEP brought statistical data on illegal immigration, youth unemployment, school abandonment, the alarmingly high number of missing children or the aging of Europe. “The European Citizens’ Initiative gives us the opportunity to integrate the problems of the Hungarian minority from Romania into a common European issue of the national minorities. The Minority SafePack initiative of the DAHR sought out the partnership of seven other minority communities of Europe in order to achieve common goals”, said the MEP.

In the opinion of Csaba Sógor, we should also not neglect the specific problems of the various regions. “Instead of the United States of Europe we need a Europe of Regions, where the law of subsidiarity applies and national minority issues are ensured” –stressed the MEP, reminding the audience of the declaration of the Finnish prime minister, who called for a just, tempered Europe. The MEP pointed out that even economists realise that the current economic system is not sustainable, and the capitalist society should take a look at the Italian renaissance period, in which reciprocity, good will and community level cooperation characterised the society. “We would need a civil economy, where the principle of usefulness and happiness would also apply. Aristotle said that these two notions were linked together, as one serves the common good and the other is based on community equity”, said the MEP.

Regarding the Tavares rapport adopted at the Strasbourg plenary session of the European Parliament Csaba Sógor mentioned that “it is our duty as minority politicians to see the silver lining in things. Which in this case is that EU politicians now realize that the Copenhagen criteria must be applied both in case of pre-accession and existing member states”, summed up the DAHR MEP.