Graduation at the Sapientia University of Cluj-Napoca


The graduation ceremony of the Sapientia University of Cluj-Napoca was held on Saturday, 8th of June, at the reformed church from the M. Kogãlnicealnu street in Cluj-Napoca. DAHR MEP Csaba Sógor was present at the event rewarding the best student of the promotion with a study trip to Brussels.

Thirty-eight students graduated at the Faculty of Sciences and Arts department of the university, specializing in Environmental Science, Cinematography, Photography, Media, International Relations and European Studies.  Chancellor Dr. László Dávid, dean Dr. Márton Tonk, deputy mayor of Cluj-Napoca Anna Horváth and consul Péter Csutak, on behalf of  Hungary’s Consul General, János Magdó held speeches at the event.  Dr. Miklós Ferber, founder of a grant for the students of the university, was granted the title of honorary professor. This year, the Ferber grant was awarded to Brigitta Németh, majoring in European Studies.   

Recognizing the importance of motivating the students, MEP Csaba Sógor rewarded one of them with a study trip to the European capital.  It was the decision of the management that Xintia Dembrovszky should be the one to go on the three day trip and have the opportunity to take a closer look at the work of the MEPs in the European Parliament and experience the multicultural city.

Csaba Sógor started his speech with a quote from Apáczai János: “It is clear that the foundations of the state and the church reside in the academia. Both can flourish if the latter prospers”, pointed out the MEP. According to him, the university has proven again and again that it plays an important role in the formation of young Hungarians in Transylvania, and that its graduates have always found a place in the labour market. “During the years I have had several trainees, graduates of this university, who have helped our work in Brussels demonstrating true professionalism”, added the MEP.