“People need to have a sense of care, solidarity and trust” – Csaba Sógor’s visit to Bistrita


DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor met with young people, teachers and public servants at the meeting held on the 5th of November at the Hungarian House in Bistrita in order to discuss current EU issues, funding opportunities and the problems of Hungarians living in inter-ethnic environment in Transylvania.

“Although we think sometimes that we are not affected by global events, we need to realize that we cannot define our own problems without attention to these. We are experiencing the second wave of the economic and financial crisis, and the EU needs to think about a strategy to ensure sustainable growth” – said Csaba Sógor and added that the EU2020 strategy is about creating jobs and raising the standard of living through tackling issues like poverty, early school abandonment, climate change and energetic issues.

Sógor highlighted the fact that the EU intends to lower the percent of early school abandonment from 15% to 10%. Romania’s commitment in the matter is 11.3%. The EU aims to raise the ratio of university graduates from 31 to 40%, while Romania will raise this indicator to 26.7%. “We need to invest more into education because only the population with the adequate level of training will be able to make major changes, so the prerequisite of economic development is that more people obtain university degree. Nevertheless, no one today denies the fact that besides university graduates we also need highly qualified workers as well” – explained the Hungarian politician from Transylvania. He added that the level of education is in close relation with the level of corruption.

DAHR’s MEP feels that people need to know the challenges our society faces and spoke in detail about the issues of ageing, immigration and employment. “I hope no one believes that only higher circles are suited to provide a solution, a lot depends on the small communities. It is imperative to have a civic sector that is able to strengthen the sense of responsibility of the community. People need to have a sense of care, solidarity and trust” – he explained. Opinions from the audience also shared this view, participant said that we are not able to have a common attitude; we are characterized by dissension in trouble and crucial moments as well.

Following the meeting, MEP Csaba Sógor attended the local Harvest Ball where Attila Décsei, president of the Bistrita-Nasaud DAHR greeted the participants and ensured them that the Ball will be organized every year as long as there is a need for it. The MEP said that we need these kinds of events because they strengthen the sense of belonging to the community. Csaba Sógor saluted 94 year old Ferenc Levey and called attention to the fact a society does not have a future if it does not respect its elderly. “Just like we fight for minority and linguistic rights, we cannot give up on the elderly or people with disabilities either” – he declared. The Hungarian MEP from Transylvania offered a trip to Brussels to those present at the Ball which was raffled off.