The statue of Mihály Cserei has been returned to its rightful place


The statue of Mihály Cserei is once again in the center of Racu. The memorial of the famous son of the village has been raised through donations. The statue of the renowned historian, a “kopjafa” wooden column made by sculptor Jenő Szervátiusz, restored last year, as well as the newly restored center park of Racu was inaugurated on the 9th of September.

The statue of Mihály Cserei was erected in 2005, but four years later unidentified thieves stole the bronze bust weighing more the 100 kgs. After an initiative coming from Joseni, a fundraising campaign started this spring to replace the stolen statue. Meanwhile the call for help became a community issue, citizens and companies alike contributing to the restoration of the memorial. DAHR’s MEP Csaba Sógor also contributed to the cause.

 „It is a great joy after so much grief, that we managed to remake this statue, a proof that our community honors is forerunners. Everything that we have achieved in the last months shows that through solidarity and goodwill we can accomplish miracles” – said in his welcoming speech Attila Császár, mayor of Racu.

MEP Csaba Sógor also attended the ceremony. His speech followed the raising of the flags of Szeklerland and Hungary. The MEP reminded that these flags represent today what Szervátiusz’ wodden column represented in 1940: we feel at home once again and that the homeland belongs to us. „We are truly at home, but we cannot forget that having a homeland primarily means having responsibility for the people and for the land given to us by God” – he declared.

The MEP believes that going through the pages of Cserei’s book História, we can realize that the period following the loss of the autonomy of the Transylvanian Principality resembles our times. – In those times people gained strength, belief and hope from the knowledge that we are all God’s children and thus cannot be enemies. Mihály Cserei considered that the downfall of Transylvania was topped by us Hungarians as well, when instead of choosing unity, we battled against each other – said Sógor.

- There is no present or future without the knowledge and preservation of the past. Cherish the forefathers, the rise of Transylvania and Szeklerland lies within the knowledge we inherited from them. This statue and this wooden column remind us of the past we’ve inherited, therefore making us responsible for our future – Csaba Sógor said in conclusion.

President of DAHR in the Csík area, István Becze also addressed the attendance. He stated that the memorial is a symbol of a new beginning. „ Us, Hungarians, we are always able to start over and over again from scratch, fighting for our identity, heritage and language” – he said.

The inauguration ceremony ended with the placing of wraiths on the statue and wooden column.
