Sógor Csaba informed Jacques Barrot in writing about the Slovakian state language law
In his speech in the European Parliament's Committee on Civil
Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Mr. Sógor Csaba, MEP asked
European Comission vice-president Jacques Barrot to make efforts in the
support of the withdrawal of the Slovakian stat language law.
In his last speech in the sixth legislative term of the
European Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home
Affairs, Mr. Sógor Csaba, MEP asked European Comission vice-president
Jacques Barrot to make efforts in the support of the withdrawal of the
Slovakian stat language law. According to the agreement between the two
politicians, Mr. Sógor Csaba informed Barrot in a well documented
letter on the 23rd of July, 2009 about the Slovakian state language
law, which is considered to be discriminatory to minorities and in
contradiction with the European values.