There is a need for a European act for the rights of the national minorities


Sógor Csaba asked for European regulations concerning the rights of the national minorities in his speech at the plenary sitting of the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

Mr. President,

We can see the revival of two of the worst repressive regimes of the 20th century in the European Union of the 21st century, the extremist right- and left-wing ideologies. A citizen of a member state is restricted in his right for free movement by being interdicted to enter another member state. Fifteen citizens of another country are called traitors just because they tried to take part in the Hungarian Representative’s Forum and discuss their problems as a minority with their peers. People are being fined for not speaking the state language at an appropriate level in hospitals, police stations and maternities. Even immigrants who have been here for 17 years aren’t punished as much as traditional minorities that have been here for one thousand years.

Mr. President!

These are the reasons why we need regulations at a European level that grant national minorities their collective rights.