Csaba Sógor in the European Parliament: A successful citizens’ initiative confirms ethnic minorities expect solutions from the EU


The European Commission has to present legislative proposals on critical areas, as requested by the Minority Safepack initiative - said Csaba Sógor in Strasbourg.

“I would like to inform the European Parliament that the necessary number of signatures for a very important citizens’ initiative, concerning 50 million autochthonous ethnic minority citizens in the EU, has been reached. We even exceeded our goal with 25%.” - reported the RMDSZ MEP last week in the EP.

Thanks to the successful completion of the signature collection, the Minority Safepack initiative will be soon submitted to the European Commission, and subsequently the topic will appear on the agenda of the European Parliament as well.

The MEP from Transylvania stressed: the results of the European citizens’ initiative makes it clear that there are unsolved minority issues in the EU that can only be dealt with on a European level. European citizens demonstrated that they expect solutions from the EU.