The Gyarmathy scholarships were awarded
On Friday, 10th of March the 14th Gyarmathy scholarships were awarded during a ceremony held at Kalotaszentkirály-Zentelke. The students of the Gyarmathy school prepared a small festive programme, at the beginning of which director of the Ady Endre Elementary School and mayor Póka András held opening speeches.
"There is one thing that binds us, the people gathered here today: the love for our homeland, and for our freedom. We can best pay tribute to the heroes of the freedom fight of 1948 if we do something for our homeland, for our community not only on this day, but on every day of our lives, with the best of our knowledge, with courage and in unity. This is how we can stay strong and live together peacefully. This is how we should celebrate year by year, day by day, staying strong and God-fearing, stated one of the supporters of the Gyarmathy scholarship, RMDSZ MEP Csaba Sógor.
“I have been asked several times why I support this scholarship”, said MEP Winkler Gyula at the event, and added: "I always say that one of the most important aims of a politician working for his community is to make sure that children and young people in our community have a future here. There is no greater good than working in the interest of generations to come and do everything in our power to make sure they learn about our values, traditions and history so that they can cherish it and pass it on to their children. Our Hungarian community will have a Hungarian future here if we can motivate our children to play an active role in our community" – stressed Winkler Gyula.