European Citizen Award for the protector of natural and cultural values of Transylvania


This year, two persons were given the European Citizens Award in Romania, Professor Dr. Iordan Gheorghe Bărbulescu and Dr. Barbara Helen Knowles, a British research biologist, protector of natural and cultural values of Transylvania, and in particular the region of Szeklerland. The awards were handed over on the 23rd of September at the European Parliament’s Information Office in Bucharest.  

RMDSZ EPP MEP Csaba Sógor initiated the nomination of Barbara Knowles and was supported by his colleagues Winkler Gyula and UK MEP Catherine Bearder. The award was given post mortem, due to the unfortunate death of Barbara Knowles in April. Rodics Gergely executive director of the The Pogany Havas Association was given the award on her behalf, whom she worked together with for several years.

Research biologist Barbara Knowles worked at the Cambridge University and wrote for several renowned scientific journals. „Barbara understood the importance of harmony between living traditions, cultural and natural values, rural farmers and nature. She was convinced that Western Europeans have much to learn from Eastern Europeans, because they have almost forgotten about agriculture and natural lifestyle. Barbara believed that with common European cooperation we can create Union level legislation meant to protect the specific needs of our communities” – said MEP Sógor Csaba at the award ceremony.