The EP calls for the promotion of women entrepreneurs in EU Member States


Members of the European Parliament call for an increase in women's entrepreneurial activity. In 2012 only 31 percent of entrepreneurs within the European Union are women – states the EP in its report adopted in Strasbourg, on January 19th.

The European Parliament’s Committee for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality wrote a comprehensive report on the external factors hindering women in their engagement in entrepreneurial activities. The document states:  the percentage of women entrepreneurs is low all across the EU, a situation which needs improvement.  At the same time, the report encourages member states to recognize the value of women entrepreneurs and the obstacles they need to overcome.

In the opinion of RMDSZ MEP Csaba Sógor the document rightfully urges regions and Member States to develop specific strategies to promote an entrepreneurial culture among women, and to adopt programs aimed to encourage women entrepreneurs. "In order to increase women's participation in the labour market we need to promote a healthy balance between work and family life" – explained the MEP, who thinks affordable and quality child care services would move this cause forward. In his opinion it is also important to include enterprise development in education, especially in the fields chosen by young women: this would boost entrepreneurship and help create a new business environment.

Moreover, the European Parliament’s report notes with concern that, probably due to social stereotypes, women tend to underestimate themselves, and unlike men, they often feel they don’t have adequate entrepreneurial skills. MEPs also proposed the development of motivational support programmes to counter this phenomenon.