We are responsible for our homeland; our freedom summons us to do so


MEP Sógor Csaba celebrated the Hungarian revolution of 1848-1849 in Csíkszereda and Székelyudvarhely.

MEP Sógor Csaba saluted the heroes of the revolution at the commemoration ceremony organized by the Petőfi Sándor School in Csíkszereda and later paid his respects at the commemoration in Székelyudvarhely.

Several hundred people gathered in the Márton Áron square in Székelyudvarhely on March 15th to commemorate the 162nd anniversary of the outbreak of the Hungarian revolution of 1848-1849. The ceremony began with the parade of the Szekler Hussars followed by the welcoming speeches and ended with the placing of wreaths at the statue of the Iron Szekler. Mayor Bunta Levente’s speech was followed by the message of Romanian prime-minister Emil Boc read by Ladányi László, prefect of Hargita County, as well as the speech of special attaché to the Hungarian embassy in Bucharest Alföldi László conveying the message of Hungarian president Sólyom László. In his speech, MEP Sógor Csaba stressed the fact that freedom does not only mean having a homeland, but it also implies assuming responsibility for it.

„General Bem József addressed the following speech to the people of Transylvania on March 21 1849: Hungarians, Saxons, Romanians, extend a brotherly hand to each other and you shall be free. If Bem were to come here today, he would probably say the following: Szeklers and Inner-Transylvanians, Szeklers and Diaspora Hungarians, Transylvanians and Hungarians in the Motherland extend a brotherly hand to each other or you will not have a homeland at all” – said the MEP Sógor Csaba stressing the need for solidarity within the Hungarian nation.

The MEP pointed out that it is not enough to simply love our homeland; but we also need to strive to make those who speak another language feel at home as well. – The rights we fight for every day, like our mother tongue and the idea of autonomy are all European values. Soldiers once took an oath to their country, we now must vow to make this country European – explained the MEP.
