Conference on the researches conducted at the Sándor Manor in Văcărești


The findings of the research conducted at the Sándor Manor were discussed within a mini conference held on July 7th in Văcărești.

The manor is one of the most important archaeological sites in the region of Ciuc. The fields and gardens hide the ruins of a late medieval building and the remains of a settlement that dates back to the Árpádian era. The research began in the summer of 2012, funded by the county council, the farmers’ union of the village, the local administration of Mihăileni, and RMDSZ MEP Csaba Sógor and was run by the Csíki Székely Museum in partnership with the archaeology departments of the ELTE and Babeș Bolyai universities from Budapest and Cluj-Napoca.

István Botár, archaeologist at the Csíki Székely Museum talked about the results of the research conducted so far, during which they unearthed the ruins of a building that dates back to the 16 th -17th century, and the remains of a 12th century settlement. 

In the opinion of Csaba Sógor, the dig is not only important for archaeologists, but also for the people of the village, as it proves that Văcărești dates back to the Árpádian era.  In the opinion of the MEP it is important that people learn about their heritage: “Searching our past will guide us to our future. The strength of Europe lies in self conscious communities, who know their past and want to build their future on it”, said the MEP. 

Dóra Hegyi, a student of archaeology from Budapest, talked about the personal experience of the students who worked at the site, the archaic beauty of the folkloric architecture and the rich cultural heritage of the area. Historian Attila Csutak talked about the results of his researches regarding the authenticity of the Csíki Székely Chronicle.

The aim of this event was to discuss the results of the digs, and to raise awareness on the archaeological importance of the site, relevant not only to Văcărești, but to the entire area and Szeklerland. The high number of participants at the conference as well as the comments made demonstrated a high degree of interest by locals, who also expressed their willingness to cooperate with researchers, so that the diggings may continue – asserted the researchers.