The EU to regulate demographic statistics from Europe


The regulation regarding European demographic statistics was signed on 20 November in Strasbourg. At the event on behalf of the European Parliament the document was signed by president Martin Schultz, while on that of the Council by the Lithuanian minister for European affairs, Vytautas Leškevičius. Also present at the signing ceremony were Pervenche Berès, president of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (France, P&S) and rapporteur Csaba Sógor, RMDSZ MEP.

The document was finalised at first reading following a series of tripartite interinstitutional consultations, despite the fact that representatives of several member states were worried about its political consequences, because, on the long term this would have had irreversible consequences on the political clout and economic development of some member states.

Csaba Sógor, the rapporteur responsible for the document added that the document became acceptable following the introduction of EP amendments. A feasibility study, financed out of European funds will be carried out regarding the new methodology for demographic statistics. The possible economic consequences will be evaluated every five years.