The citizens of Gheorgheni encouraged by Csaba Sógor to be actively involved in the matters of their community
Saturday, 22nd of June, DAHR MEP Csaba Sógor talked about the European Citizens’ Initiative, the European cohesion policy, and Europe’s economic and social challenges at Gheorgheni. Institutional and church leaders, teachers, entrepreneurs and NGO representatives were present at the event held at the Pro Art Gallery, hosted by the territorial organisation of the DAHR.
The event was one of a series hosted by the local organisation of the DAHR, aiming to involve local citizens in community activities and common projects. The main topic of the discussions led by the president of the Gheorgheni territorial organisation of the DAHR, Lehel Bányász, was the regional reorganisation of Romania. The MEP pointed out that administrative (re)organisation is a competence of member states. However, in such processes cultural and historical factors have to be taken into consideration. The European Union will not be involved in this matter, but the recommendation issued by the Council of Europe clearly states that the local proportions of a national minority cannot be changed through the reorganisation of administrative units, stressed the MEP.
With regard to the European Citizens’ Initiative, Csaba Sógor stated that the common initiative of the DAHR and its Western European partners has been officially launched in South Tirol at the 58th congress of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN). The goal of the initiative is to invite the European Commission to develop a legislative framework for the protection of national minorities.

“In the European Union we cannot raise an issue that concerns exclusively the Hungarians living in Romania. This initiative is managed by a 7 member committee, representing different national minorities in Europe. Thus, the problems of the Hungarians from Transylvania can be placed on the European agenda as a common European minority issue”- pointed out Sógor. Regarding the fact the Szekler National Council also handed in a similar initiative, the MEP said that he supported both efforts as they have common goals.
In the opinion of the MEP, being a part of a minority is a constant struggle that can bear fruit only if political efforts are complemented by the activity of NGOs. „We need to stand up for our existing rights together and make sure new laws are added to the existing legislative framework”, said the MEP and encouraged the citizens of Gheorgheni to be actively involved in the matters of their community. In the MEP’s opinion, the solution to local problems lies first of all in the hands of the locals; this is why he also pointed out that European funds can be best made use of within communities where there are long term goals, and where the local administration, the NGOs and the entrepreneurs work together.
With regard to the European Citizens’ Initiative, Csaba Sógor stated that the common initiative of the DAHR and its Western European partners has been officially launched in South Tirol at the 58th congress of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN). The goal of the initiative is to invite the European Commission to develop a legislative framework for the protection of national minorities.

“In the European Union we cannot raise an issue that concerns exclusively the Hungarians living in Romania. This initiative is managed by a 7 member committee, representing different national minorities in Europe. Thus, the problems of the Hungarians from Transylvania can be placed on the European agenda as a common European minority issue”- pointed out Sógor. Regarding the fact the Szekler National Council also handed in a similar initiative, the MEP said that he supported both efforts as they have common goals.
In the opinion of the MEP, being a part of a minority is a constant struggle that can bear fruit only if political efforts are complemented by the activity of NGOs. „We need to stand up for our existing rights together and make sure new laws are added to the existing legislative framework”, said the MEP and encouraged the citizens of Gheorgheni to be actively involved in the matters of their community. In the MEP’s opinion, the solution to local problems lies first of all in the hands of the locals; this is why he also pointed out that European funds can be best made use of within communities where there are long term goals, and where the local administration, the NGOs and the entrepreneurs work together.