About / My interns

What did it mean for me to be an intern in the office of the MEP Csaba Sógor?

To gain insight for a moment into the daily work of the MEPs, to see how and why a lot of people in a lot of languages with a lot of responsibilities work together, to realize that in that big building between abbreviations and numbers one can really find one’s way and to contribute a little bit to the efficiency of the activities.

What has changed in me after three weeks, what did I gain from this experience?

The European Parliament is still a big building with a lot of people who are constantly in a hurry, but now I understand where and why they are hurrying. The seemingly distant and nebulous work of MEPs receives a concrete and close-to-the-people content through their objectives and achievements, through the items on the agenda and speeches in the plenary assembly, as well as through the standpoints and talks.

Szende Száfta

In the European Parliament, an intern is assigned an incredible variety of tasks. It prepared me for tasks like the reading and analysis of documents, reports, diverse office tasks, attendance of parliamentary commission sessions. Besides, I prepared gift packages, I put up posters, I attended a folk dance evening, I distributed emblems, I listened to Hillary Clinton’s speech… All of this is nothing unusual in an institution so diverse and busy as the European Parliament.

I entered such a unique world that for an outside observer is probably strange, incomprehensible. I believe its peculiarity lies in the very fact that it is not only a legislative institution but also a place for scientific and cultural events.

Katalin Demeter
Târgu Mures

I had the opportunity to spend the first three weeks of March in Brussels, as an intern in the office of the MEP Csaba Sógor. According to the MEP “I caught a calm period”. These “calm” three weeks meant the continuous everyday sessions, meetings, conferences, the preparation of the programme of the MEP and – besides this dense decision-making process – the preparation of the 15th of March festivity, the reception of a group of visitors and the monthly plenary work taking place in Strasbourg. I do not even dare to imagine what a busy period would have looked like.

I am happy to have been a part of this milling-around and to have gained insight into the functioning of the European Parliament as well as in the office work of the MEP. Thanks to the time spent there, the picture of the institution that at the beginning seemed chaotic became a system which can be understood. My horizon has been enlarged by a new piece.

Thank you!

Melinda Barabás
Cristuru Secuiesc

Brüsszel – Brussels –Bruxelles – Brüssel –Bruselas – Bruksela – Bruselj
Not even with the help of a dictionary would it be possible to write down the name of this city in as many languages as I heard during my short stay as an intern in the elevators, corridors and rooms of the European Parliament. It was a special experience, as this building is like a small city where the people of Europe were gathered together to write a certain history. It is not an easy task because not only our languages differ, but also our cultural background, history, ideas and values; nevertheless we are all working on the vision of a future favourable for everyone.

In April of 2010 I had the opportunity to gain insight into the day-to-day life of the European Parliament. Although even much more time would not suffice to become an important character of the history, perhaps I was able to contribute a little bit to it. I brought home a piece of Europe.

Éva Czézár

Every day I could enter into this little ‘city’, knowing that I would be surrounded by like-minded people. This big labyrinth (in the true sense of the word), the European Parliament, opened up to me in such a way that in the meantime I was able to get to know Europe.

Réka Czimbalmos-Kozma

What does it mean to be an intern (stagiaire)?
In medias res.
Namely it requires adequate professional knowledge and experience.
Rhythm, which is inevitably attached to it.  
These are the main requisites of an exploring intern who gains insight into a political anthill.
Anthill? Yes. The European Parliament is a complex building with a well-defined logic and strict rules.
The experience is constructive, the scenery, in turn, uplifting.
Syncope. Syncope. Syncope.

Zsuzsa Csilla Erõs (Borsos)

As an intern working for Csaba Sógor in the European Parliament (EP) I had the opportunity to observe the functioning of the second legislative institution of the EU, which before I had known from my studies only. To attend the debates, the hearings of the nominees for the post of European Commissioner, to gain insight into the preparation of the cohesion and agricultural policy strategies for the period of after 2013 – this was a fascinating experience for me.

Csaba Sógor and his team familiarized me not only with the daily functioning of the EP. I could also rely on them for the guidance indispensable to find orientation in the constant flow of information (in the commission sessions, hearings, seminars on different topics – from economic recovery to data protection of flight passengers and to the human rights problem in Tibet). It was never an easy task to make a selection from the items on the agenda of the EP.

During the time as an intern I did not feel like a mere observer; the MEP office welcomed me quickly as an active member.

István Virág

In March of 2010 I spent three weeks in the Brussels office of the MEP Csaba Sógor. I was able to be part of his team; I could gain insight into his daily work. 

I observed, I observed and I tried to observe even better. I tried to attend as many programmes, sessions as possible and to learn. I remember the first day, I entered through the door and the inside of a huge building burst upon my view which I had seen only from outside before. A lot of people were hurrying to work, full of hustle-bustle, everyone was dressed elegantly and purposefully going towards the elevators. First I got frightened, am I really in the right place? But after a couple of minutes it was not so frightening anymore, moreover I started to like it and after the three weeks I started to miss this colourful world in which I fell into.

I liked the colourfulness, that it is not important if one is Hungarian, Slovakian, Italian or of some other nationality; the people are nice, helpful, and sometimes, to your greatest surprise, they speak your language because they are proud to show that they have learned this language, too. During these three weeks I became more independent and more self-confident to start off towards the unknown because this, just like new things, could be helpful to us.

Besides the dense programme, we naturally also had time to travel on the weekend, to visit the numerous beautiful cites and museums of Belgium or to just go for a walk, to get know people.
Thank you for the opportunity!

Tamara Molnár
Cristuru Secuiesc

The weeks spent in the European Parliament through MEP Csaba Sógor’s internship programme meant an exciting and unique experience. Going past physical experiences (spatial arrangements in the building, organized means of communication, the dress code, the cafeterias and restaurants, statues and other works of art, written and unwritten rules that give order to the work being done etc.), I closed this short period of my life richer with substantial experiences.

Through the administrative duties of the cabinet, the meetings that prepared political decisions and the high level debates that finalized the preparatory processes, I was able to form a picture about the practical implementation of the theoretical background of European politics. One of the interns said that the EP is like a miniature version of the European Union. It seemed to me more like an enhanced version of national parliaments, I understood the importance of the supranational institution and its influence on the life of European citizens.

I wish to thank the MEP and his team for these experiences.

Tímea Veres
Sfântu Gheorghe

I am grateful for the opportunity to have worked with you and to have learned with your help. Although the activities were already familiar to me, I nevertheless had the chance to experience a different dimension of the subjects. It was a great experience, professionally and personally.

In the first few days even getting around proved to be a challenge, but I soon became accustomed to the administrative web. I found that everything had its logic and they simply worked… Getting around in the building, the meeting rooms, the translation, the mail, the working documents and the library… The European Parliament has an internal system that is interesting, practical and easy to work with.

I read and heard about issues previously unknown to me like high nature value areas. We have these in Romania as well, but we do not pay attention to them, 2014 will be the European Year of the Families, Romania’s accession to the Schengen Area is still uncertain… I also found the library to be very useful, I read about the American Constitution, contract law in Europe, implementation of court rulings in the EU. I deal with the latter in my work at home as well.

I feel that the MEPs work represents an opportunity for the Hungarian community in Romania to make itself known and put subjects on the agenda that concern the community, but it is also a chance to promote our cultural and economic values. During my internship I saw how important our representation is in the EP through the presence of the MEPs, their speeches and press appearances or through the conferences held by them.

I wish you the best of luck in your work!

Mária Magdolna Sándor
Miercurea Ciuc

As a third country national and member of the Hungarian minority, I had the opportunity to gain insight into the workings of the European Parliament thanks to MEP Csaba Sógor.

With the help and guidance of assistants Emese Medgyesi and Richárd Kovács, I had a chance to get a taste of the often-heated milieu of parliamentary debates in fields such as human rights or regional development, and of the complex activities of the MEPs cabinet. During my one month at the EP, I took part in the preparations for the 163rd anniversary of the revolution of 1848-49, held in a European environment, the performance of the famous Maros folk dance group from Târgu Mureş and the presentation of the volume entitled We like to live here about the Csángós in Moldavia.

I wish to convey my thanks once again to the MEP and his advisors for allowing me to return home not as a pessimistic member of a national minority, but as an individual who has experienced openness and the European spirit first hand. I am confident that I will be able to use my experiences towards the good of my community.

Gréta Túri
Berehove (Subcarpathia, Ucraine)

It is hard to sum up the experiences of the past month spent in Brussels and Strasbourg. Experiencing the diverse life at the European Parliament, learning about the work methods used there, as well as the possibility to explore Belgium and Alsace are all part of the traineeship.

All interns need to cope with fast-paced workdays, diverse tasks and a multilingual environment. This is a challenge regardless of one’s policy field. I found the abundance of conferences and events and the possibility to be present at decisions that define our common future to be the greatest experience.

It was a unique experience and I am sure that it will have an influence on my future studies and career choice. I am grateful for the opportunity, the help and the positive atmosphere at the cabinet.

Balázs Blényesi
Sfântu Gheorghe